Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance
Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage
Workers Compensation insurance is fraught with problems if you obtain this insurance from an agent that does not truly know what they are doing. Generally, workers compensation insurance is required under the laws of your state for most employers. SFI Group, Inc. agents are trained in identifying proper class codes for workers so our clients are not charged too much for improper class codes. Being written under the wrong class codes can create serious coverage nightmares for you. Not having the proper endorsements can mean severe penalties to you before a claim is paid.
State law usually requires employers to carry this coverage for their employees. This same statute usually defines for the employer, what is considered an employee. Remember, just because you do not withhold taxes from a paycheck, does not mean Workers Compensation insurance premiums will not be due to the carrier for those workers.
The insurance carrier does not consider how you pay workers…only that you pay workers! Failure to obtain and maintain workers compensation insurance in most states is a crime. Don’t let something so simple to obtain cost so much if there is an accident.
For example, in North Carolina, even if you are not required by law to purchase workers compensation insurance, you may still be required by law to provide the benefit of its coverage to an injured worker. This can cost millions!
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Once you submit your request, one of our knowledgeable agents will call or email you by the end of the next business day to complete the process. Trust the beach insurance and coastal insurance agents of SFI Group to help you with all of your North Carolina coast insurance needs.
Requesting a quote is not a guarantee of coverage. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the actual policy issued. Not all policies or coverages are available in every state. Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of this online form/application, e-mail, voice mail, or facsimile. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage goes into effect unless and until confirmed directly with a licensed agent.