Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance
SFI Group has several companies to choose from in placing your auto insurance business. Whether you are a safe driver or drive like Evil Knievel, we have a cost effective auto insurance program to fit your needs with many discounts available. Check us out today! By clicking on the link below you can quote and bind your policy today.
Truck Insurance
Trucks can present some interesting insurance dilemmas. If you own a truck, we invite you to contact us for an insurance check-up to make sure you are covered properly. If you use your truck in the daily activities of your job or business you need to have your auto insurance examined by experienced insurance professionals. Our staff is highly knowledgeable and includes adjusters with more than a decade of industry experience. A commercially used vehicle insurance by a personal auto insurance policy, can lead to some very expensive problems if there is a loss. The personal auto insurance policy is written so the carrier can deny Comp and Collision coverage as well as liability limits above the state mandated minimum limits if your policy is not properly written. Again, if you use your vehicle for commercial purposes, we strongly suggest you call our offices for a free insurance check up to see if you might be exposed to this potentially devastating possibility.
Motorcycle Insurance
SFI Group has more motorcycles insured than most agents in North Carolina. We take special care of our biker friends. From Cruisers to crotch rockets, we can insure them all. One of the areas that motorcyclists lose coverage is with the addition of aftermarket parts. While these shiny pieces make your bike special, they may not be covered on your motorcycle policy. Find out what could happen if they are not covered. Check out our motorcycle program today! You will be glad you did! Also, some competitiors only offer 6 month motorcycle policies. Our motorcycle policies are annual policies.
Classic Auto Insurance
SFI Group also understands the Classic auto enthusiast. We have insurance companies that specialize in these rare beauties. Find out how well you can protect your classic auto with the right policy! Classic Auto insurance for collectors or the one special one you own. Often it is much less expensive than a personal auto insurance policy would be while giving you much better coverage for Comp and Collision. The quote link below is not intended for our Classic Car Auto Insurance program. Please call us to get started on your classic auto insurance policy today!
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