Residential Condominium Building Association Policy
RCBAP or Residential Condominium Building Association Policy is a special flood policy written to cover condominium buildings owned in the form of a condominium building. Under the NFIP guidelines this policy is a replacement cost policy with maximum limits of up to $250,000 per unit.
Townhomes and cooperatives not owned in the condominium form of ownership are not eligible for RCBAP flood insurance under any circumstances. At SFI Group, Inc. we find this mistake many times. Normally, this mistake is made by an insurance agent that simply does not know what they are doing. We have rewritten numerous RCBAP policies to the proper dwelling flood policies offered by the NFIP on townhome buildings. Townhomes are not condos. They are not eligible for RCBAP flood insurance policies. This mistake could cost your Association millions of dollars if there is a loss.
Think about this… does your current insurance agent carry $20,000,000 of Errors and Omissions insurance coverage? What would happen to your Condo Owners Association if you had an agent that made this mistake and insured your townhome Assn on a RCBAP policy when it should have been insured on individual dwelling policies? The answer is your Assn would be out a LOT of money!
What if your Condo building is eligible for an RCBAP and your agent writes a General Property form policy to save money by going over it with an excess flood policy? There are many different “what if” scenarios we could talk about here. Call our agents at SFI Group, Inc for more details on how we can help you fix your Condo Association Master policy problems.
Over the past 25 years, the professionals at SFI Group have developed extensive knowledge regarding the NFIP and their RCBAP program. We have a proven track record of insuring condo associations and servicing them when there is a loss. With a history of claim payments in the millions, you can rest assured we will be there when you need us.
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